We have started to edit as we go along whilst filming. As we were filming the early parts of the video, and editing them, we have realised that our Treatment may not be realistic and may have to make a lot of changes to the way we film and the order of the video sequence. We have changed this by filming extra footage to what we need so that we can fill any gaps easily in our video, but still keeping in the theme and story line of the video, and not going off on a tangent and confusing the audience.
Media Studies Blog for Music Video task by A2 Level Student. Group website: http://nfgsyasminknott.wix.com/yaswynproductions Group Twitter: @YasWyn Group SoundCloud: YasWyn Productions
Sunday, 30 November 2014
Saturday, 29 November 2014
Following our audience research we decided to go for the first font for the artist name as most of the girls who were in our target audience liked it and though it would be the best choice. As the 15 year old's said to use pink we have used this font and test out different colours, including baby and hot pinks, as also seen in a previous post.
And for the album title we have decided to also use the first font as we believe it was the most appropriate as it looked classy an good for a pop digipack cover - according to our research. We have not yet decided on colours for this text but I think it needs to be different to the colour of the artist text. As the boy in our audience research said it would look good with a constant font because it would look neater, we have decided that it is a possibility to use the same font for the album title and the song titles on the back cover, so there is a consistent theme throughout the digipack but with the artist name standing out.
Friday, 28 November 2014
Fonts-Audience Feedback

I showed this image to and audience including two 18 year old girls, one 17 year old boy, three 15 year old girls and a woman in her 40's.
The 18 year old girls said that it was a good idea to have the different fonts for the artist name and the album name. They liked the 1st and the 3rd font for Rosie Pink as they were 'edgy' and 'classy', respectively. For the album name they liked the fact that it was 'movie/hollywood themed' as it fits with the song. They like the 2nd font as it was different to others they have seen on album covers. The girls disliked the last font for Out All Night as it looked 'like highschool sport' writing and 'unprofessional'
The boy thought the 2nd font was best for the artist name as it was 'girly and perfect for a pop album' he said it was also easy to read which is important for a digipack cover. He also said that having a handwritten font was a good idea, and it was as if she ha signed it herself. This boy said that it would be better to have the same font for both of the artist and album name as it would look neater, however if he had to choose one he would choose the first one as it is 'easy to read' and reminds him of the 'entertainment industry'.
The three girls all agreed that the 1st font was best for the artist name as it 'looks like a signature', is 'unique' and it is 'perfect for a pop CD'. They gave me some ideas on colours as well. They all said that the artist name should be pink as it is a 'girly and poppy colour', but two of them said to use a baby pink and one said to use a hot, bright pink. Two of the girls really like the first font of Out All Night as it looked 'classy' and 'like a proper album title'. The third girl liked the second font as it looked more like the theme and genre we were going for. None of the girls liked the third font as it reminded them of high school musical and looked 'childish'. But they all thought that is was good to have different fonts for the two texts as I differentiates the two products - the artist and her ego and the album.
Finally the woman said that she liked the 3rd font for Rosie Pink as it was 'feminine and classy' and 'still in keeping with the pop genre'. For the album title the font she liked the most was the first as it was 'easy to read', 'stands out' and 'looks like a professional title'.
Possible Fonts

We decided to have a different font for the album name and the artist name as this is a common theme throughout pop digipacks.

We had a look into different colours to use and as it is a pop album we believe bright, girly colours should be used to stand out and really emphasise the artists image. These are the different colours we have tested so far, with a range of pinks, from light and dusky to bright and deep. Personally I think we should use a pink more like the top right colour as it is very girly and a happy colour. Perhaps layering it over a deeper colour would make it stand out and make a statement.
Thursday, 27 November 2014
Album Title
Many pop albums are named after songs on the album or something to do with the artists life. As our artist is quite young we thought we should go for something fun to do with her life. With the help of the teacher we came up with 'Out all Night'. I like this name for an album because it suggests the artist wants to just have fun and live her life whilst she's still young.
Artist Name
We have decided on an artist name. I believe it should be a short, quick and memorable name like Rihanna, Beyonce, Madonna for example. From a few suggestions we had Rosie was our favourite as is stood out most for us and is quite a classic name, which would tie in with the whole theme and image of the artist.
We still believed it was missing something so thought of adding a surname, like a colour to make it still memorable. Our first choice was Rosie Black so the black is contracting and still sharp and to the point. We went through many different names and variations and finally came up with the chosen name 'Rosie Pink' roses are obviously red/pink so this seemed like and obvious choice for us to go with. I like is as it sounds like quite a fun, but innocent name that would be memorable and stand out in the world of pop.
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Filming Update
As we are coming up to christmas the diner is starting to get busy. We wanted to film again this friday, the 28th november however we was not able to secure permission for that day in Deans Diner. However they have given us permission to film in the diner on monday 1st december, this is where we will get all of the performance filmed. We will also film some of the narrative scenes in the surrounding designer outlet centre.
Saturday, 15 November 2014
Prop List 1
These are the props we used in our first set of filming for the narrative side of our video:
- Burnt Apple pie
- Fresh boxed apple pie
- Shopping bags filled with food
- Candles
- Single rose
- iPad and stand
- Oven mitten
The apple pies/recipe on iPad/grocery bags are used in the video as synaesthesia. The artist sings about each of these items and at this point in the song we will see each of them. This is quite typical of music video but it is especially a convention of pop music videos.
Thursday, 13 November 2014
Analysis of Pop Digipacks-Britney Spears
As a group, Bronwyn and I ad analysed the digipack of Britney Spears' 'In the Zone' album. We thought it was good to a get a digipack in real life to analyse as we could see the whole book and look closely at the detail.
We believed Britney would be a very good example for us to use as she is a huge 'pop princess'. This is her 4th studio album so it is a bit later than the innocent school girl image she was trying to project. The pictures in this digipack are much more sexualised and grown up, as she is trying to enhance her celebrity image on another level at this point in time.
The video of our analysis is on our Wix website: http://nfgsyasminknott.wix.com/yaswynproductions#!videos/cww2
Shot List for Music Video
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
Analysis of Pop Digipacks-Katy Perry
Teenage Dream
This digipack, I believe, is very typical of a pop digipack. You can tell by the colours and photos of the artist. The digipack is projecting the artists image and this is the main aim for a pop artist.
Image: The image of the artist is quite sexual, we see her naked, laying down in a provocative position. The clouds she is laying on are supposedly made out of cotton candy, sweet things are sometimes portrayed as amorous therefore adding to the sexual image of the artist. Her mouth is slightly parted, adding to the sexual connotations, however this suggests that the album is still about the music and the fact she is a good singer.
Colour: The colours in this digipack are all very similar. Pinks and reds are used, this is also quite typical of a pop digipack and the colours are portrayed as very girly. The blue at the top on the image suggests its at an actual location and makes it a bit more realistic rather than a photo shoot in a studio.

Text: The artists name stands out the most, the font is curly-also a very girly convention, it looks like it has been blown up, perhaps with bubbles or a balloon. This could also be thought of as a provocative image. The album name is made out of sweets, this a theme in the album as you can see that there are sweets used for the 'o's on the back of the album. The sweets give the album a very poppy and girly feel which makes the artist successful in want she wants to portray at this point in time. The album name also looks like it is melting, this could suggest that her 'Teenage Dream', like most, could be slipping away.
Image: The image of the artist is quite sexual, we see her naked, laying down in a provocative position. The clouds she is laying on are supposedly made out of cotton candy, sweet things are sometimes portrayed as amorous therefore adding to the sexual image of the artist. Her mouth is slightly parted, adding to the sexual connotations, however this suggests that the album is still about the music and the fact she is a good singer.

Text: The artists name stands out the most, the font is curly-also a very girly convention, it looks like it has been blown up, perhaps with bubbles or a balloon. This could also be thought of as a provocative image. The album name is made out of sweets, this a theme in the album as you can see that there are sweets used for the 'o's on the back of the album. The sweets give the album a very poppy and girly feel which makes the artist successful in want she wants to portray at this point in time. The album name also looks like it is melting, this could suggest that her 'Teenage Dream', like most, could be slipping away.
Filming Prep-Male Gaze

Monday, 10 November 2014
Production Meeting-Timetables, Planning of Filming
We have just had a production meeting comparing timetables. We have found a new actor that has a similar timetables to us. We will start filming on Friday 14th November periods 2,3,4 and during lunch, Bronwyn has permission to leave her RE lesson and we will be filming during our double Media Studies lesson.
Saturday, 8 November 2014
Issues with Production
As we have come to the time to start filming we have realised it may be a problem getting everyone together at the same time, with the actors we chose originally. This has delayed our filming drastically. We may need to change our male actor as he is currently very busy, this means we may have to make some slight changes to the music video.
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
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