Saturday 20 December 2014

Digipack Cover - Audience Research Results

From my survey monkey I gathered results about our first digipack cover we designed from 8 people. The ages included: one 15-18, five 18-24, one 25-34 and one 55-64, this gave me a good range of ages including our target audience. There was also 7 girls and 1 boy, this was good because our target audience is girls, however it would have been better to get more boys so there was a range of gender as well as age.

Question 3
All of the people who answered the questionnaire said that they liked the fact the font for the artist name and the album name were different, as a result we will keep these current fonts.

Question 4
Half of the answers said yes, the cover does look like a pop album. However half said they were unsure or no. We may change the overall look to this cover slightly to make it look more poppy. Perhaps by using different colours.

Question 5
5 people said it was important for the artist to be photographed on he from of a pop album and 4 people said no. We will keep her photographed as it is the majority and we have found from our other research of digipacks that most pop albums have the artist on the front.

Question 6
Only 3 out of the 8 people said that the digipack would grab their attention in a shop. To change this we may change the text to stand out a bit more, or perhaps changing the colouring of the image so it is a bold album cover.

Question 7
6 people thought that the colours of the text and the image went together. We will keep the colour of the text the same due to this feedback, however we may need to brighten it up.

Question 8
These we're results I got when I asked what we could do to improve the digipack cover.
From this feedback we will be changing the text so that it stands out more, possibly making it bold or a different colour, perhaps changing the layout of it as well. We will also change the image colouring so that the font stands out a bit more.

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