All the narrative will be a dream or fantasy in the artists view.
Before the song starts (approx. 4 secs) we will have diegetic sound in the diner. The artist (main character) will put money into the jukebox and selecting a song to play, this will start in black and white filter. As the first stanza of the song is being played as diegetic sound the artist will go back to the table with her girlfriends as part of the narrative. This will be up to 19 seconds into the song. From 19-22 secs we will have a mid shot of about 3 men harmonising the 'aahhhhh' just before the song kicks in, we will fade the filter into enhanced colour, this is a performance part of the video.
In the diner as the song starts the first lyrics are 'Take me on a date' so we will have the artist watching the 'future husband' come through the entrance of the diner as she sits in a booth with her friends, it will be filmed in the mirror with both the artist and husband in the shot. This will be from 22-25 secs.
The next shot will be an over the shoulder shot of the husband at the front door holding a bunch of flowers. This shot is from 25-30 secs it will show the door opening, the husband coming through the door and the hallway. This is also a narrative part of the video. At 30-34 secs we will then see the artist singing 'I'll be the perfect wife' in the kitchen with 'world's best wife' apron on. In the background there will be vintage shopping bags with groceries in, we will do a sweeping shot round to focus on their relationship and the shopping bags.
At 34 secs we will have a second long shot of peoples feet at a train station - commuting to work. This will be a real-life narrative. Then, we will cut to the artist at work in an office, she will comically playing a game on the computer or her phone, whilst we see her sing 'but, baby, so do I'. This will be a performance shot until 38 secs.
From 38-43 secs we'll cut to the artist in the kitchen with a recipe book out with apple pie recipe page, flour and other cooking ingredients out on the surface. She will then get a burnt apple pie out of the oven, and then a ready made one out of the fridge on the line 'but i can find a hook'.
At the line 'sing along with me' we see the artist singing to the camera, this is at 43-46 secs.
From 46-56 secs we will see the narrative involving them shopping in a clothes store and the 'husband' will hold up an expensive dress to her front, this will be a side/over shoulder shot, we see the artist sing 'treat me like a lady'. They will also be messing around.
From 58 secs-1.08 mins we will see the performance side of her singing in the diner to her girlfriends sitting down opposite her.
At 1.10-1.20 mins we will show the narrative of the artist with the 'future husband' of them walking through the town/streets at night time.
After we see them walking through the streets we will see the artist crying from a fight they've had, we will see the 'husband' then say sorry to the artist then hug her and kiss her head. This scene will be from 1.23-1.28 mins.
When she sings casually 'you know i'm never wrong' we will see an over the shoulder shot from the husbands point of view of her singing it to him as part of the narrative 1.28-1.30 mins.
At 1.30-1.34 mins we will see the artist singing directly to the camera as if the artist is getting sympathy with the audience, (who will mostly be girls).
Our next scene will be at a fireworks display. We will include a lot of handheld camera shots and amateur filming to create the effect that they're together and he's treating her well. We will have shots that include them standing together, fireworks in the background etc. This will be from 1.34-1.44 mins.
At 1.47 mins there is a key change. We will have further performance-the artist and her friends will be dancing. We will also see the artists lip syncing to the chorus-the 'live singing' part we can hear in the background.
This will be continued till 1.59mins, then it will go back to the narrative side till 2.08 mins, where we will see the artist being surrounded by the future husband's family in a home environment.
2.11-2.23mins The artist will be in bed on her own (left side) and we see her go to sleep and into a dream. In the dream narrative they go to a posh restaurant and he opens the door for her, in a suit, as she walks through the door he gives her a kiss. We have a shot of the husband in a suit an pan down to see him get a ring box out of his pocket.
At 2.23 -2.32 mins The narrative side of the story will insist montages of the previous shots that included both artist and the future husband, this will be outtakes style.
2.35-2.44mins The artist will be performing to the camera, using a close up shot. This then applies to Goodwin's theory with the close up shot of the lip syncing and visuals amplifying the lyrics. We will also be using flashbacks of the previous shots and scenes we have used in the video.
2.47-2.57mins We will see the narrative side of the artist putting her arms round the future husband's neck, pan round with a long shot of him pinching her bottom. On the line "Tell me I'm beautiful", we will once again get a close up shot this time of the husband lip syncing 'You're beautiful' to her.
2.58-3.02mins towards to the end, we see him preparing to propose as part of the dream narrative. We will then after the music stops, we will change to diegetic/no sound as he goes down on one knee to propose and holding the open box with a ring.